Personal training plans and intensive support for Reactivity - Recall - Rudeness

  • Is your dog unsafe and lacks impulse control? 
  • Doesn’t come when called or drags you down the road?
  • Dog obsessed with poor social skills?
  • Are they showing signs of aggression toward people or other dogs?
  • Your dog pays you no attention when out on walks?

We focus on the 3 Rs because they are what we all want as owners. A social, happy, calm  and well mannered companion that gives freedom and happiness for a stress free dog life. A Dogtails and Dreams program can make this achievable in less time, supporting you all of the way.

Reactivity is on the rise and one of the main causes is through incorrect socialisation,  whether thats under or over socialised. There are other factors such as previous trauma and your dogs general predisposition and personality.  A understanding of the triggers and a plan to build your dogs resilience is achievable. 

Recall is what all dog owners want to achieve. It provides the ultimate in safety and stress free dog ownerhsip.  Freedom to explore and fulfill your dogs needs. There is never one simple answer and repeating drills over and over wont fix it. 

Rudeness We all want a dog that listens and makes better choices. A dog that has good impulse control, that doesn’t  drag us along the street or bombard passers by and their dogs. As humans we can accidentally reinforce poor manners and end up rewarding all of the wrong things if we do not understand how dogs learn and how we condition the right behaviours. 

At Dogtails and Dreams we  understand that every dog is unique, which is why we offer individualised OH MY DOG!  training plans that are tailored to meet the specific needs of each dog and their owner. I  work closely with you to develop a training plan that works for you and your dog.

Your plan will focus on our 3 pillars for success. Leadership - Lifestyle - Learning. This will help you to understand your dog and their behaviours and how to tackle them in a simple and manageable way.


How the 1-2-1 plan works

Dogtails and Dreams will be your personal coach. We will start with an Onboarding session ONLINE MEETING or FACE TO FACE.

A deep dive into the issues,  history and current situation.  It is important to establish what the triggers are, what training has already been put in place and what is  happening  NOW so we can plan the best way forward.  

Common behaviours can be reduced, improved, managed or removed.  Before booking your consultation, please make sure you have checked in with a vet to rule out any physical problems that could be causing your dogs unwanted or sudden negative behaviour.  Vet recommendations may entitle you to claim through your pet insurance.

  • 2hrs Initial Consultation and deep dive
  • A comprehensive follow up  of recommendations and training plan.
  • Video coaching and access to the video library resources
  • Practical sessions and workshops to support your journey - tailored to you and your dog.

Get in touch

Arrange a FREE discovery call to discuss your options and we can advise you on a  plan to suit your needs and your budget.


Join the OH MY DOG plan

Have you done the discovery call and you're now ready to book onto the OH MY DOG plan?